
The ABL Foundation

The ABL Foundation was established in 2022 to support the Advancing Beef Leaders professional development program as it transitioned from Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF)-led to a board-governed, external sponsorship model.

The Foundation, chaired by Don Heatley OAM, aims to provide a program to champion the development of Australia’s future beef leaders as they refine their skills to have impact on and influence the industry and rural communities, and to support them after graduation through on-going learning opportunities and the developed network of industry influencers.

Presently a joint initiative of DAF and several private sector collaborators, ABL is in its fifth year, with a growing base of 97 participants and alumni across Queensland.

In 2025, the ABL Foundation hopes to expand the program nationally with the support of sponsors and funding partners.

Meet the ABL Foundation Board

Our Vision

Establish the leading national network and accelerator of beef industry change makers.

Our Mission

Develop an equipped network of enablers affecting change in the beef industry.

Our Values

  • Designed to be a pathway for participants as they develop their skills, ABL is complimentary to other leadership and training programs and encourages participants to establish as life-long learners.

  • Program content will be continuously evaluated, reviewed and updated to ensure relevance to industry, emerging issues, trends and impacts.

  • Participants will be encouraged to give back, to think beyond themselves, to learn to collaborate, to inspire others to step up and strive as influencers of positive change in their communities and industry.

  • Cohorts will be selected by regions to allow effective collaboration on projects and delivery of regionally relevant content. The program will develop regionally based capacity for future delivery within the public and private sectors.

  • The program will align with the priorities and activities of beef industry bodies and businesses to ensure relevance and support, and to encourage participation from industry leaders through mentoring and sponsorship.

  • Collaborate by engaging participants, mentors, external providers, the ABL Foundation board, other training programs, and industry leaders to continuously adapt the program and business model.

  • The focus will be on professional development for both participants and deliverers. The program incorporates the very highest standards and innovative strategies to develop the mindset of industry professionals.

ABL Delivery Team

  • There's young ringers, seed stock producers, breeders and traders, extension officers, bankers, introverts and extroverts and everything in between. ABL offers something for everyone in beef.

    Natalie Hughes | Grazier - 5PE Pastoral, Rural Financial Counsellor.

    2024 ABL Graduate

  • ABL was great for forward outlooks and back casting values, attitudes, and goals.

    Jack Heslin | Banker

    2024 ABL Graduate

  • ABL has helped me to challenge myself to be brave, to be bold, and to jump in and give it a go! To ask questions! To listen, and to grow!

    Alana Carter | Grazier

    2024 ABL Graduate

  • I got to the point in my work career where I wasn't sure exactly where I wanted to go. I was looking to see if I would meet other people that could help me make those decisions and also learn the skills to make that decision my own. My ABL mentor helped me re-evaluate my goals and decide.

    Henry Claridge | Staton Hand

    2024 ABL Graduate

  • I have been able to apply new learnings from every module so far, but the one module that has helped the most has been "Understanding Self and Others" (with Jill Rigney of the Right Mind). It has really helped me put things into perspective and be a better communicator.

    Ashleigh Duncan | Grazier, Wife, Mum.

    2024 ABL Graduate