Natalie Hughes

MEc(AgResEc), BEd(Sec), Dip.FinCouns(Rural), TAE

A fifth-generation Far North Queensland grazier and ardent advocate for rural Australia, Natalie Hughes is presently employed as RAPAD’s Program Manager for their delivery of the Commonwealth and State-funded Farm Business Resilience Program.

She has contributed to national disaster recovery and drought policies through a variety of roles, and in 2022 was awarded a High Commendation for the QLD Agricultural Minister's Emerging Leader Award. She is the former Deputy Chair of Southern Gulf NRM (2021-2024) and is a proud MLA Red Meat Ambassador and ARLF Drought Mentor.  Prior to becoming a Rural Financial Counsellor, Natalie spent a decade teaching secondary students but felt drawn to return to her agricultural roots.

She holds a Master of Economics (Agriculture and Resources), receiving the D H Drummond Thesis Prize in Post-Graduate Economics, a Bachelor of Education (Secondary), Cert IV in Training and Assessment, and a Diploma of Financial Counselling (Rural).