Richard Rains

Richard’s extensive experience in the exporting and marketing of beef commenced with a Dalgety cadetship in 1974, during which time he sold the first consignment of Australian beef to Korea. In 1976 Richard joined the meat export company Sanger Australia, owning a majority stake in the business by 2002 which he subsequently sold in 2013 in a management buy-out.

Richard was instrumental in the sale of the first Australia beef into McDonalds, North America in the late 1990’s and more recently helped to establish The Arcadian Organic and Natural Meat Company.

Today Richard is a board director of Paraway Pastoral Co, the Country Education Foundation and is also Chairman of the Zanda McDonald Award. He has been a previous board member of both the Certified Angus Group and the Industry Steering Group for the Australian Beef Industry Sustainability Framework. Raised on a mixed farm near Dunedoo, in Central NSW Richard has strong ties to the land and a broad interest in rural issues and opportunities.