Keerah Steele

I have lived and worked in the Etheridge Shire/Northern Gulf area for 10+ years. I started out as a gardener on the council in Georgetown and worked my way up the ranks in the road construction sector and eventually became a WHS officer. I didn’t want to be cooped up in an office anymore so I went on the hunt for something that would take me places and found my way into the Gulf Savannah NRM team as the Rangelands Project Officer and have been with them for 2 years now. This has reignited my appetite to start making changes.

Within my job, I work with many community groups like Gulf Cattleman’s Association, local P&C’s and sports clubs. Wherever there is an opportunity we get them involved. As a part of a recent project, we created the E-Beef group and continue to support them any way we can with industry support and education.

I love getting out and about and looking over the different land types throughout the regions and seeing the beautiful parts of the country that not many people get to see. I am passionate about supporting graziers to adopt sustainable grazing land management strategies to improve their productivity and profitability whilst preserving the natural resource base on which their business relies. It all starts with grass!